Two Minutes to Late Night's quarantine covers series continues, this time with a rendition of the Tom Petty classic "Runnin' Down A Dream" featuring Coheed & Cambria guitarist Travis Stever, Piebald frontman Travis Shettel, Cave In drummer J.R. Conners, Cave In/Mutoid Man frontman Stephen Brodsky, and as always, your host Gwarsenio Hall. It's a mostly faithful rendition with a little metal and hard rock flair thrown in, and lead vocalist Stephen Brodsky changes one of the lyrics to be about Gwarsenio. The video was inspired by '90s Windows computer graphics and old anime films, as Two Minutes To Late Night explain:
GARFIELD IS ANIME! We logged into Steve Brodsky’s old pc to watch his favorite AMV and we think he did a pretty good job. Hopefully the nerds at YouTube have the right codecs to play this for you!
This is our eleventh bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. With so many musicians stuck at home with no outlets, we're going to keep producing these style videos and use the Patreon to give some money to everyone who has a part in them. Please support our friends by donating to our newly redone Patreon.