UK group King Hannah released their terrific debut album, Tell Me Your Mind and I'll Tell You Mine, late last year via City Slang. It's a mostly quiet record that's meant to be played loud, heavy on atmosphere with oceanic, occasionally searing, guitarwork. If you haven't checked that out you can listen below.
The band are back with a cover of Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska highlight, "State Trooper." Where the original is just Bruce and his acoustic, King Hannah open it up to a wider road with their own spin. "We have always loved the Bruce Springsteen album Nebraska, how sparse and raw it sounds, and how it is effectively a live demo recording," says bandleader Hannah Merrick. "We wanted to keep that live-feel when covering 'State Trooper' and so we tracked the song live in our little home studio. We tried to do justice to the atmosphere of the original when arranging the track, with rumbling tom-heavy drums, warm creamy guitars and intimate slap-back vocals." Listen to that below.