Dinner’s Anders Rhedin tells us about the inspiration behind new LP ‘Dream Work’

Dutch artist Anders Rhedin, who is a former member of Choir of Young Believers and spent time in L.A. as a professional songwriter (with credits on Kid Cudi and Josh Groban albums), has been making music as Dinner for the last decade or so, splashing around in various pools of 1980s new wave and alt-rock. Whereas early record, like "Going Out," could be over the top, his new album, Dream Work, shows off the softer side of Dinner. It's his best yet, and features wonderful duets with Charli Hilton (Blouse), Molly Burch and Lina Tullgren. Read our review here and listen to the album below.

We talked to Anders about Dream Work and the influences behind it, which include Stereolab, Alan Moore, Lou Reed & John Cale, and his hometown of Copenhagen at night. It's a fun read -- check it out below.

Copenhagen at night 
I recorded the album at night, in Copenhagen during autumn and winter last year. I could only afford to rent a studio in the off-hours. So most of the recordings would take place late in the evening and at night. I’d start out by getting a coffee and then I’d walk around listening to music I felt had the same energetic quality that I tried to convey. (I listened to the first 2 songs on Stereolab’s Peng! a lot. On repeat). And then I’d get to work. Sit there alone, and play and play. Once I’d look up and see the reflection from the headlights of a passing car. And then back to work. There’s something beautiful about working at night. No one’s texting you. There is a feeling of quietness. You’re alone.

I love, love, love Stereolab’s album Peng! I honestly think it’s one of the best records ever made. I got it back in 1995, 3 years after it was released. On CD. The cover art was bright yellow and the font was bright orange so it was really hard to read the liner notes, but I spent hours mulling over the lyrics and credits anyways until my eyes hurt. I once met Joe Dilworth, Stereolab’s Peng!-era drummer, in Berlin. I’d just played a show and I was very sweaty. I was super starstruck seeing Joe, so I got nervous, and started rambling about how sweaty I was and how all this sweat was like a lubricant somehow and that I could probably easily shoot across the lawn next to us, like a greased-up human projectile of sorts. This arguably wasn’t the best icebreaker, and the conversation quickly died. And I felt like I totally blew it. I mean, if you get to meet Prince or someone like that, why would you start talking about how sweaty you are? Anyways, I did my best to incorporate Peng!-vibes on Dream Work. I think it’s noticeable on the song "Anima," which I like to think of as a Peng! homage.

Lou Reed & John Cale - Songs For Drella
Have you heard of this band - The Velvet Underground? They’re pretty good. Needless to say, I’m a major John Cale fan. And Lou too, of course. I think Songs for Drella is incredible. I particularly enjoy the live performance you can see online. The tension between John Cale and Lou Reed. John Cale's weird collar. Lou’s leather pants. I just love it. I’m working on a live set of Dream Work with a similar set-up, hoping to make it happen.

Marie Louise Von Franz
I’m pretty new to the topic of alchemy. I’d skip around in this book and read passages here and there while working on Dream Work. I’ve recently started seeing an expert on alchemy on a regular basis. So I’m slowly learning.

Robert A. Johnson: Inner Work
This book is a great guide to dreamwork and a technique called active imagination where you learn to proactively talk to your subconscious. It’s a very easy read. Robert A. Johnson is great at explaining Jung (who isn’t always easy to understand) in a down to earth way. I’ve used my dreams for inspiration on this album (surprise) and I’ve used active imagination too. Which takes us to Alan Moore...

Alan Moore - "Idea Space"
Alan Moore is equally good at explaining Jung - even though he seemingly doesn’t know that’s what he’s doing. In case you don’t know, Moore wrote V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and many other acclaimed graphic novels. He’s also into ritual magic. Listen to Moore talk about "Idea Space" here. About what magic is. And how making art is a ritual. Moore manages to explain how silly materialism is in less than three minutes. He talks about how to communicate with the world of ideas, how to travel into the unconscious.

Jung - The Red Book
The man himself. Quite an inner traveller. I got my wife this book as a present some years back. It’s really big.

Hiroshi Yoshimura - Flora
I was made aware of Hiroshi Yoshimura the week after I finished my ambient album Kyoto Window. Oddly enough, despite having made an album with that title, I was completely unaware of Japanese ambient up until that point. I then humbly started listening to the massive masterpieces from that scene (if you can call it that). An inspiration that has carried over into Dream Work.

Haruomi Hosono - Watering A Flower
More Japanese stuff. I guess Haruomi Hosono is getting fashionable these days? This is an 1984 cassette he did for a clothing store, if the internet is to be trusted. Insanely good.

Karl Friedrich Schinkel - Felsentor
I’ve recently been enjoying art that portrays inner landscapes.