slowthai played a wild $1 show at Baby’s All Right – Lil Yachty was there too (pics, setlist)

UK rapper slowthai made a quick trip to NYC to play Baby's All Right on Thursday night, a show that was only announced the day before and only cost $1. Needless to say, there was a giant line outside the club to nab one of the 40 tickets that would be available at the door -- the rest were given out via lottery -- and and those who braved the cold to get in were then met with a packed, sweaty, crazy show.

slowthai spent almost as much time in or on top of the crowd as on stage, as he performed a set heavy on tracks from last year's Tyron. He mixed in a few other singles as well, including "Momentary Bliss," his track with Gorillaz, and the night finished with "Doorman" from his 2019 debut album, Nothing Great About Britain. Lil Yachty came on stage mid-set but but just for moral support, and then sat on the side of the stage for the rest of the night, digging the show.

Pictures by Ellen Qbertplaya, including one of the setlist, are below, along with a few Instagram videos of the mayhem.