Short Fictions, Oceanator, Bad Moves & more DIY bands cover songs from teen movies on charity comp

Bandcamp Fridays are back! In case you're unaware, that's when Bandcamp waives its cut of sales on the first Friday of the month and gives 100% of profits to artists and labels. It began during 2020 lockdown as a way of helping artists make a little extra money during a time without live shows, and a lot of artists and labels also used it as an opportunity to raise money for charity. That's what Pittsburgh's Don't Let the Scene Go Down on Me! collective has done with this new covers compilation, AS IF​!​: A Songs From Teen Comedies Covers Comp, which features 14 DIY/indie/punk bands doing covers of songs that were featured in teen comedies. Empire Records wins with a whopping three songs chosen from that one (great soundtrack!), and other movies represented include Clueless, Loser, American Pie, Mallrats, Freaky Friday, She's All That, and more.

The comp includes Oceanator doing Sponge's "Plowed" (Empire Records), (T-T)b doing a chiptune-ish cover of Wheatus' "Teenage Dirtbag" (Loser), Bad Moves turning The Cardigans' "My Favourite Game" into an indie-punk ripper (Sabrina the Teenage Witch), Saint Agatha doing Sixpence None the Richer's "Kiss Me" (She's All That), toobin doing a shambolic, folky rendition of blink-182's "Mutt" (American Pie), Short Fictions doing a rockin' version of The The's "This Is the Day" (Empire Records), Nectar doing Hoku's "Perfect Day" (Legally Blonde), Some Faith doing an electronic pop version of No Doubt's "Just A Girl" (Clueless), Mister Goblin doing a lo-fi, slowcore version of Gin Blossoms' "Til I Hear It From You" (Empire Records), Totally Slow doing Chris Isaak's "Blue Hotel" (North Shore), Molly O'Malley turning Modern English's "I Melt With You" into a chillwave song (Valley Girl), Sullest doing Weezer's "Suzanne" (Mallrats), Basic Bitches doing Everclear's "Local God" (Romeo + Juliet), and Hyacinth doing a solo acoustic rendition of Lindsey Lohan's "Ultimate" (Freaky Friday).

These types of things have been kind of a trend (a bunch of similar bands did a one hit wonders comp and a Gossip Girl covers comp last year), and this is another great one with some truly awesome covers. Proceeds benefit No More Dysphoria and Pauline Juliet. Download a copy (for $5 or more) at Bandcamp and stream the whole thing below.