Hear The National’s Matt Berninger sing with Caroline Spence on “I Know You Know Me”

Nashville-via-Ohio country singer Caroline Spence has shared a new single featuring The National's Matt Berninger. The two sound gorgeous duetting on "I Know You Know Me," which you can hear below.

"‘I Know You Know Me’ is a song about the complex beauty of being truly known by someone, especially during times when you are feeling lost," Caroline says. “We all have times when we want to hide away, and it is a powerful thing to have someone who won’t let you forget yourself. That’s where this song came from. I’m still beside myself that Matt agreed to be a part of this song," she continues. "I recorded my own solo version for my upcoming record, but always saw potential for it as a duet. Matt’s voice brought a new depth to the narrative and the sonic palette of this song."

"As a songwriter, it is so creatively satisfying to have a voice as singular and powerful as Matt’s singing words you wrote," she continues. "As an artist, it means so much to me that he would come into my little world to share his gifts and put his name next to mine. And as a fan of his music and writing, I’m just kind of freaking out still — it is truly surreal to hear one of my favorite voices singing alongside mine. I’m honored."