Bodega release new single “Statuette on the Console” in nine different languages

Bands releasing songs in different languages is not a new idea -- The Beatles released a few of their early singles in German -- but rarely do they do it in nine different languages. Enter Bodega, who's great new single "Statuette on the Console" is out in English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Ukrainian. The French version is particularly good, as it really brings out the inherent "Ca Plane Pour Moi" vibe in this ultracatchy two-minute mutant punk ripper.

Bodega have also made a video, which was directed by the band's Nikki Belfiglio, who also sings lead on the song. "I have a certain reverence for the symbols of religion; creating iconography with antiquated technology is a big part of my process for the art of BODEGA," Nikki says. "I cast myself as the titular statuette on the console, miming the song on top of an old television set, wearing a halo made out of a laser disc. I also created a giant iPhone dongle out of cardboard, fabric and pillow stuffing. In our tech-obsessed world, the dongle is a symbol with godlike powers of animating silence. I see something tragic in the fragility of these dongles and our dependence on them. It’s only a matter of days before they become broken equipment."

Watch the video below.

Bodega's new album, Broken Equipment, is out March 11 via What's Your Rupture.