Brian Fallon on tour (win tix to Town Hall), reissuing Horrible Crowes debut on silver vinyl

Gaslight Anthem frontman Brian Fallon just began a tour with his band The Howling Weather, supporting his 2021 album Night Divine, which features new renditions of classic hymns. Worriers and Hurry are opening the shows.

Next week, he'll hit NYC for a show at Town Hall on February 22, You can get tickets now, and we're giving away a pair! Enter for a chance to win below.

Meanwhile, Brian's side project The Horrible Crowes released their debut album Elsie 10 years ago, and for that occasion SideOneDummy is giving it a 10th anniversary reissue on silver vinyl. Pre-order that along with The '59 Sound and other Gaslight Anthem albums on vinyl.

Brian Fallon Town Hall

A winner will be chosen at random and contacted with more details. Good luck!

Brian Fallon 2022 Tour