Super Furry Animals share unreleased 1st recording ft Rhys Ifans to help save Severn EstuaryCreation Records’ 21 Best Records

Super Furry Animals have shared a rare track early track for Bandcamp Friday, with proceeds benefiting an urgent ecological cause. The first song they ever recorded, "Of No Fixed Identity," dates from 1993, when actor Rhys Ifans was the band's lead singer, before he left the band for Hollywood, still six years from co-starring in Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. The roots of Super Furry Animals' sound was there, though. It's never been released before and you can stream it below. The band hint that they may release more songs from their archive soon.

A percentage of the proceeds from "Of No Fixed Identity" go to help save the Severn Estuary that is in danger of being poisoned by radioactive and chemically-contaminated sediment:

For what you're about to see, we're truly sorry.

That we're even in this situation is utterly ludicrous.

But the ramifications of inaction are unimaginable.

We *need* your support.

The Severn Estuary is a designated Marine Protected Area, as it is a highly valuable wildlife area, designated for birds and marine life, and important for fish-rearing.

Thousands of people live around the upper Estuary and use its shores and waters for recreation

Yet 100,000 tonnes of mud from near Hinkley nuclear plants was dumped in the Severn Estuary at Cardiff Grounds in 2018.

This happened despite a massive petition, hearings and a Senedd debate.
The dispersing mud drifted downstream to Barry Island and other popular beaches.

500 000 tonnes of Hinkley mud are now to be dumped at Portishead.

But, while dumped at Portishead, it soon reaches the Newport and Chepstow mudflats, as well as the Avon, Usk, Wye and Rhymney estuaries.

Because of permitted discharges and unpermitted leaks from the Hinkley A and B stations last century, the mud is known to be contaminated.

Radioactive microparticles known to have been released from Hinkley Point are invisible to the tests used by government agencies and such particles are known to cause cancers and mutations if they get into humans, animals, marine life and birds.

Help us.

You can donate to help save the Severn Estuary here.


Creation Records’ 21 Best Records