Watch Arcade Fire debut new songs “The Lightning, I, II” & “Age of Anxiety” live at NOLA show

Yesterday (3/14), Arcade Fire played a New Orleans show that they had only just announced that morning to raise money for the Ukraine Relief Fund, and they also revealed that they'd release their first single in five years, "The Lightning I, II," this Thursday (3/17). As expected, they gave the new song its live debut at the show, and they also played another new song called "Age of Anxiety," which uses elements of the 45-minute piece they contributed to Headspace's "Memories of the Age of Anxiety" playlist last year. Arcade Fire streamed much of the show live on social media, and archived videos of both new songs can be watched below. It's hard to tell from a livestream, but these new songs sound pretty solid and they do feel like kind of a return to form after 2017's divisive Everything Now. Check 'em out.

Also, Wolf Parade's Dan Boeckner joined Arcade Fire on keyboards for part of their set.