Pool Kids announce new s/t LP, share video for new song “That’s Physics, Baby”

Florida emo band Pool Kids have announced a self-titled sophomore album, the followup to their 2018 debut LP Music To Practice Safe Sex To, due July 22 via Skeletal Lightning (pre-order). The album was produced by Mike Vernon Davis (Great Grandpa, Special Explosion), and first single "That's Physics, Baby" opens up with knotty Midwest emo riffage, but this is not scrappy and shambolic in the way "Midwest emo" usually is. It's got crystal-clear production, and there's a powerhouse pop quality to singer Christine Goodwyne's voice. Listen and watch the Hannah Schmidt-directed video below.

Pool Kids are also gearing up for a tour with Into It. Over It. and You Blew It singer Tanner Jones' new project Couplet, including NYC's Brooklyn Made on June 21. All dates are listed below.

1. Conscious Uncoupling
2. That’s Physics, Baby
3. Almost Always Better (Almost Always Worse)
4. Further
5. Talk Too Much
6. Comes In Waves
7. I Hope You’re Right
8. Swallow
9. Couch
10. Waking Up
11. Arm’s Length
12. Pathetic

Into It. Over It. / Pool Kids / Couplet -- 2022 Tour Dates
6.15 Minneapolis, MN 7th St Entry
6.16 Milwaukee, WI The Back Room at Colectivo Coffee
6.18 Detroit, MI El Club
6.19 Lakewood, OH Mahall's
6.21 Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn Made
6.22 Cambridge, MA The Sinclair
6.24 Philadelphia, PA Johnny Brenda's
6.25 Washington DC Songbyrd
6.26 Carrboro, NC Cat's Cradle Back Room
6.28 Orlando, FL The Abbey
6.29 Atlanta, GA The Masquerade Purgatory
6.30 Nashville, TN The End
7.01 Indianapolis, IN The Hi-Fi