Will Haven release new song “Wings of Mariposa,” new album on the way

Sacramento post-hardcore vets Will Haven are back with their first new song in four years, "Wings of Mariposa," and it's a fired-up, super-heavy song that really suggests this band still has more to say. It serves as a precursor for their upcoming seventh album, which is being completed as we speak, and here's what guitarist Jeff Irwin says about it:

We’re excited to get some new music out! ‘Wings Of Mariposa’ is a nice little glimpse of what this new record is about. I love this new record and am looking forward to playing most of these songs live! The video was done by our good friend Dave Blackley. He has done a few of our last videos, I love his vision and his edits are awesome. It’s been awesome working with him.

Listen and watch the video below. Will Haven last released Muerte, which was their first album in seven years, in 2018.