Watch members of Converge, Cave In, Dillinger Escape Plan & more cover Deadguy15 '90s Metalcore Albums That Still Resonate Today

Two Minutes to Late Night began its 'Hardcore Summer' series with members of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge, Rorschach, and more covering Botch, and now they've continued the series with a Deadguy cover. This time they've got different members of Converge and The Dillinger Escape Plan - vocalist Jacob Bannon and drummer Billy Rymer, respectively -- plus Cave In frontman Stephen Brodsky, and one-man industrial band Author & Punisher. They really reinvented the song, turning it into something harsher and noisier, and it's a genuinely awesome rendition -- not that we'd expect anything less from a cast like this. Check it out below.


15 '90s Metalcore Albums That Still Resonate Today