All twelve coronavirus-related deaths in St. Louis have been African-American, according to Health Director Dr. Fredrick Echols.
According to data calculated by the St. Louis County, the Black community is being hit much harder than others by the novel coronavirus. Officials have actually determined that, of the twelve deaths resulting from COVID-19 complications, all of them have been African-American.
The troubling claim was made by Health Director Dr. Fredrick Echols.
"If you look at the health disparities in the city of St. Louis, they’re not unique," he said. "Inequities exist across the U.S. and across the world, and it’s posed a challenge for public health agencies, (which) have to address those issues and ensure all individuals, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, income, or educational attainment have access to quality health-related resources."

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images
On Wednesday (April 9), there were over 480 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in St. Louis. It has been reported that the African-American community is being hit harder by the virus in St. Louis, but that is unconfirmed in other parts of the country.
The current stay-at-home order is set to expire on April 22. Echols notes that the lockdown will surely be extended though, as cases continue to grow.
"Based on what we’re currently seeing, with the increase in cases daily as well as the increase in the number of deaths, it is likely we’ll have to extend the stay-at-home order," he said. "However, things may change. We will continue to monitor the situation."
Stay safe, everybody.