Olivia replied to the post, writing, "love u and live through this sooooo much," which Courtney responded to as well. "Olivia—you’re welcome," she wrote. "My favorite florist is in Notting Hill, London! Dm me for deets! I look forward to reading your note!"
As Billboard points out, Courtney continued the discussion on Facebook, replying to one commenter, "it was rude of her , and geffen [Olivia's label] not to ask myself or Ellen von unwerth [the photographer who shot Live Through This' cover] . It’s happened my whole career so I d c . But manners is manners !"
In another reply, Courtney wrote, "Stealing an original idea and not asking permission is rude. There’s no way to be elegant about it . I’m not angry . It happens all the time to me . And he really I’m very gracious or say nothing . But this was bad form . That’s not bullying or bomb throwing . This persons music has nothing to do with my life . Possibly never will . It was rude And I gave every right to stick up for my work . Don’t gatekeep me ! I’m honorable as fuck to my fellow artists , and I expect the same ."
She blamed Olivia's label in another reply, writing, "It’s on GEFFEN . I’ve informed her I await her flowers snd note . I sure hope it’s long . Does Disney teach kids reading and writing ? God knows. Let’s see . Yes this is rude. Rage inducing ? Honey if I had a dollar for everyone this happens ? I’d be real rich !"
Meanwhile, in a thread on Twitter, Boston band Honey Cutt said they'd had a TikTok pointing out similarities between images of Olivia and those of Pom Pom Squad go viral, and subsequently get deleted.