Drain announce NYC one-off with Life’s Question, End It & more ++ Psycho Las Vegas pics

Fresh off epic looking sets at Sound and Fury and Psycho Las Vegas, Santa Cruz thrashy hardcore up-and-comers Drain have announced a NYC one-off happening on October 14 at Brooklyn Monarch, presented by Saint Vitus and Core Clientele. They'll be joined by Life's Question, End It, Posterboy 2000, and one more TBA. Tickets are on sale now.

The only other date for Drain that we're currently aware of is FYA 9, which goes down in Tampa this January.

Drain signed to Epitaph last year and put out the killer new single "Watch You Burn." Watch the video for that, a video of their amazing Sound and Fury set, and see pictures from their recent Psycho Las Vegas set by Joshua Alvarez and Raz Azraai below...
