Peacemaker, the new Suicide Squad spinoff series on HBO Max, debuted last week. Created, written and mostly directed by James Gunn, who made last year's The Suicide Squad and both Guardians of the Galaxy movies, the series stars John Cena, who reprises his role from The Suicide Squad as a the titular homicidal superhero whose motto is "I cherish peace with all of my heart. I don't care how many men, women and children I kill to get it."
One of the first things you notice about the show, apart from it's over-the-top violence and very irreverent, profane sense of humor, is the soundtrack, which is entirely made up of glammy, sleazy, poppy hair metal, including both OG '80s bands and more recent varieties which tend to hail from Scandinavia. The show's amazing opening credits sequence involves the entire cast, not to mention Peacemaker's pet eagle, Eagaly, in a elaborately choreographed dance number set to "Do You Wanna Taste It," the 2010 single by Norwegian band and Eurovision Song Contest entrants Wig Wam. You might never hit "Skip Intro" while watching and you can check it out below.