Lady Gaga Spray Paints Car With 'Stupid Love"

Mother Monster and a pal customized a Benz with "Stupid Love" tags.

When you're Lady Gaga a normal single promotion just won't do. That might explain why Mother Monster celebrated last weeks' release of dance banger "Stupid Love" with a silly Instagram video in which she and her friend tag a white Mercedes Benz with the song's title while dancing around to the track.

"When ure so tired from working nonstop u end up spray painting your whip," she wrote of the spray party that ends with a trip to Taco Bell for some late night snacks.

Gaga announced the dates for a limited-run stadium tour on Wednesday, The Chromatica Ball, which will hit France and the U.K. in July and four open-air stadiums in the U.S. and Canada in August.

Watch the playful destruction below.