Nick Cannon is still not a fan of Eminem... clearly.
In the third diss track that released against last year, the comedian uses a sample of a where he raps, "black girls are bitches, black girls are dumb." The jarring audio did not garner too much of a response with people still defending Eminem, despite the rampant cancel culture present today. Nick Cannon has been the subject of a new video interview with DJ Vlad where he's been and, in the latest clip, he accuses the rapper of being a product of institutionalized racism.

Andrew Toth/Getty Images
Nick Cannon and DJ Vlad have both heard the same stories about a young Eminem rapping the n-word in his songs, saying such damaging and racist things that Interscope had to pay people off to get rid of the tapes. While that is unproven, Nick Cannon's opinion of the superstar has not changed a bit. He says that, even though a bunch of alleged tapes exist of Eminem singing very racist things, he could care less because there is already that one "black girls are dumb" line and that's bad enough. He's tired of the man's fans blindly supporting him without taking in that information too.
"You know what the defense was? 'He already apologized for that'," said Cannon about Em's supporters. "Probably the weakest apology ever, 'I was young and I had a black girlfriend who cheated on me and I was mad.' ... He's sorry for his individual racism, definitely, I believe he's sorry for saying the things he said when he was younger. But he's not sorry for institutional racism, because he's a product of it."
Elsewhere in the multi-part interview, Nick Cannon speaks on Orlando Brown's allegations against him, noting that he Watch below.