Rhymesayers issue statement, drop Prof and Dem Atlas following allegations

Earlier this week, multiple members of Minneapolis' alternative hip hop scene were accused of abuse, including sexual misconduct and racism. Allegations were first posted by Casey Delgado (aka DJ Babyghost) against DJ Fundo, who has DJed for P.O.S of Doomtree, Rhymesayers artist Prof, and others, accusing him of "abusing his power," and of "manipulative" and "predatory" behavior. Delgado also posted a screenshot of an allegation against Rhymesayers artist Dem Atlas, accusing him of sexual misconduct.

P.O.S, the whole Doomtree collective, and Prof all responded, though their statements were met with doubt from other members of the community. Some accused both P.O.S and Prof of inappropriate behavior, and many urged both Rhymesayers and Atmosphere (whose two members are Rhymesayers co-owners) to comment, and/or to drop Prof from the label.

Rhymesayers have now issued a statement, which states, "Effective immediately we have decided to stop, where we can, the release of [Prof's] upcoming Powderhorn Suites album and end our relationship with Prof and Stophouse Music Group. We have also decided to end our working relationship with Dem Atlas, given recent reports of his behavior."

They also say, "Abuse of women is not acceptable and is not in alignment with our values." They said they were not "previously aware" of the allegations that came to light this week, and that they took "the last few days to process these reports because [they] felt it was important to allow survivors the opportunity to speak and for us to listen." They continue, "To the survivors in our community, we know you've been hurt; our community is not whole without you, or until you are whole. We've always sought to create an environment that is safe and inclusive, but this week has shown us where we have failed."

"To abusers, racists, and those engaged in predatory behavior we don't want you as artists, fans or affiliates and as we become aware of you, you will be held accountable."

Rhymesayers also add that they "failed to not only vet the signing of Prof but also calling into question the intentions behind his music, messaging and content more strongly." They provided a list of "additional immediate actions" they'll take going forward, including "stronger and more thorough vetting of new artists and any associated personnel, [challenging] the intention behind any questionable music, art and content," and more. They're also promising to create a fund that "awards grants for music, art & business initiatives by women, BIPOC, and members of the LGBTQIA community."

Read their full statement below:

PREVIOUSLY: Doomtree, Prof & others respond after members of Minneapolis hip hop scene accused of abuse