Rihanna Can’t Contain Herself While Giving Unintentionally Raunchy Makeup Tutorial

She can't contain her laughter.

On top of being an international pop sensation, has added makeup mogul to her credentials. If you need a breakdown of how busy of a woman she is, . Fenty Beauty continues to rapidly grow and will likely become a billion-dollar empire in the not-too-distant future. Not many can sell a product as well as Rihanna, so she has been giving makeup tutorials on social media using the latest Fenty Beauty goods. This week's #TuesdayTutorial highlighted the Full Frontal Mascara and the tutorial ended up being filled with as many sexual innuendos as the product's name. 

Rihanna swears she wasn't intending to be raunchy, but most of her explanations end up taking on an erotic tone. It isn't helped by the fact that Rihanna delivers most of the instructions in a semi-sensual whisper. Things took a turn when she described the mascara's result on her eyelash as "fat, thick and long." Rihanna immediately notices the words that left her mouth and starts laughing hysterically. A member of her team off camera calls her "so childish", but she can't help herself. From that point on, she's alert to anything that could take on a dirty meaning - such as the words "stroke" and "pump" - and repeatedly cracks up when realizing. See for yourself.