Tyler Perry took care of covering the costs of groceries for senior citizens at dozens of Kroger & Winn-Dixie supermarkets.
Grocery stores are still trying to keep up with the needs of the public, even weeks into the global quarantine. Many citizens, especially those in the United States, are struggling to find basic household items due to people hoarding food and necessities. Some grocery chains have implemented strategies that they believe are at a greater need, including senior citizens. Stores have launched "seniors only" hours in the mornings before the general public can have access, and Tyler Perry made sure that elders had one less bill to worry about after he paid for their groceries.

Paul R. Giunta / Stringer / Getty Images
The media mogul continues to put his money where his mouth is during this COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, for out-of-work servers at Houston's restaurant in the ATL, and he's back with another generous offering. According to a tweet from the Kroger grocery store chain, Perry connected with multiple stores in the Atlanta area to help seniors.
The wrote, "? @tylerperry paid it forward and purchased groceries for nearly 3,000 senior shoppers today at Kroger stores across Atlanta. You can see how much this . Thank you, Tyler, for your generosity! ?." According to reports, Perry also made a similar move in his home state of Lousiana when he purchased groceries at Winn-Dixie markets for the elderly in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Check out a few tweets below.