Chester Bennington’s Son Accuses Linkin Park Of ‘Quietly Erasing’ The Late Singer’s ‘Life And Legacy In Real Time’


Linkin Park’s fresh start, which includes its new lead singer Emily Armstrong, hasn’t gone over well with fans. Today (September 9), the band’s late frontman Chester Bennington’s son Jaime slammed its co-founder Mike Shinoda over the appointment and accused him of “quietly erasing” his father’s life and legacy.

Over on Instagram, Jaime penned a length message to Mike. In screenshots captured by TMZ (viewable here), Jaime outlined the three biggest gripes he claims Linkin Park has with the band’s “reinvention.”

“[Fans] are having a hard time wrapping their head around how you hired your friends of many years Emily Armstrong to replace Chester knowing Emily’s history in the church,” he wrote. “And her history as an ally to Danny Masterson is what it is.”

On September 6, Armstrong walked back her support of Masterson following his rape conviction on charge and formal sentencing.

Next, Jaime, argued that the band was attempting to wipe away his father’s impact. “[You] quietly erased my father’s life and legacy in real time,” he wrote. “Not only during a band interview meant to clear the air about certain aspects of Linkin Park’s history and future… but during international suicide prevention month.”

Sadly, back in 2017, Chester took his life after battling with depression.

Lastly, Jaime, agreed that the band “refused to acknowledge” Armstrong’s support of Masterson “without so much as a clarifying statement.”

He closed with a sharp message to the group, writing: “You have betrayed the trust loaned to you by decades of fans and supporting human beings including myself. We trusted you to be the bigger better person. To be the change. Because you promised us that was your intention. Now you’re just senile and tone-deaf. Insane.”

Linkin Park has not issued a response to Jaime’s statements.