Lambchop announce NYC show; new album ‘The Bible’ out now

Kurt Wagner released his latest Lambchop album, The Bible, a couple weeks back. Made in Minneapolis with Ryan Olsen, Andrew Broder and others, it finds Wagner taking his project into new sonic territory. As I wrote in Indie Basement, "The Bible is unlike any other Lambchop album and yet it's like every Lambchop album all at once, the kind of fucked-up country / gospel / disco / jazz / torch song record that could only be made in Minneapolis by a Nashvillian with access to vocoders and a throat singer." You can listen to The Bible below.

There are a few Lambchop shows on the horizon. This Saturday (10/15) he'll play Sylvan Esso's Psychic Hotline Block Party in Carrboro, NC with The A’s, Arooj Aftab, Bartees Strange, Hand Habits, Joe Rainey, Loamlands, and more. Check out the poster below.

There is also a  NYC show at Le Poisson Rouge on December 16, where Lambchop will perform as a duo of Wagner and Broder. Tickets for that are on presale now (password: GRUMPUS) and go on sale to the general public on Friday, October 14 at 10 AM.

Lambchop also recently released a video for The Bible standout "Daisy," which was directed by Isaac Gale. "This track was created entirely from parts of twelve 20-minute improv sessions that co-producer Andrew Broder sent me prior to going up to Minneapolis," Kurt says of the song. "It represents the original idea I had for a start to making this record. I edited the improvs into this form and wrote and sang the words based on the remembrance of HAL 9000, the computer singing the song 'Daisy Bell' while he was being unplugged in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It stands as one of the earliest examples of voice processing in contemporary media. Co-producer Ryan Olson added the 'Hey' sample which is one of his signature moves from his vast production arsenal. It snaps you out of the moment enough to transcend the maudlin." Watch that below.

-psychic hotline block party 2022