Neil Young pens open letter to Trump, who he says used his music “with no regard for my rights”

This past Friday (7/3), Trump held a Fourth of July event at Mount Rushmore and was met by protests from indigenous people and allies because Mount Rushmore is a symbol of oppression and because the Black Hills mountain rage where Rushmore is located is sacred to the Lakota people. Trump also played two of Neil Young's songs over the PA at the event (including "Rockin' in the Free World," which is not about what Trump thinks it's about), despite Neil previously insisting Trump not play his music at events. Neil tweeted "I stand in solidarity with the Lakota Sioux & this is NOT ok with me" on Friday, and now he has given a lengthier reply to Trump in an open letter on the Neil Young Archives website. It begins:

Dear Mr. President:

Although I have repeatedly asked you to please not use my music because it indicates that I support your agenda you have always played my songs anyway at your gatherings, with no regard for my rights, even calling me names on Twitter.

I did notice that you played my music at your latest rally in Dakota despite by previous requests.

Because you are in charge of the COVID-19 response here in the USA, I will not sue (as certainly is my right) potentially distracting from your important work at hand protecting and saving American lives. With the enormous power you wield on our behalf, I wish you all the best in your critical battle to save American souls from this threat.

Neil then suggests that Trump listen to the new version of "Looking For A Leader" that he debuted in his recent porch session, which includes this new verse:

We had Barack Obama and we really need him now
The man who stood behind him now has to take his place somehow
America has a leader building walls around our house
Don’t know Black Lives Matter and we gotta vote him out

We got our election but corruption has a chance
We got to have a big win to regain confidence
America is beautiful
But she has an ugly side
We’re looking for a leader for this country far and wide

Just like his big new fence
This president’s going down
America is moving forward
You can feel it in every town
Scared of his own shadow building walls around our house
He’s hiding in his bunker
Something else to lie about

That porch session also includes a cover of Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin'." Watch the full thing HERE and read Neil's full open letter to Trump HERE.

Neil previously backed Biden in the 2020 presidential election.