Stream Origami Angel’s surprise hardcore EP ‘DEPART’

When DC emo band Origami Angel surprise-released their jangle pop-leaning re: turn EP on Friday, I wrote that I had no idea if it was the start of a new direction, or maybe just another reminder that this band is never going to do what you expect them to, and right now it's seeming very much like the latter, because Origami Angel just surprise-released another new EP, and this one is straight-up hardcore. It's called DEPART, and it's got three aggressive new songs that Origami Angel pull off as authentically as the prettier, lighter stuff on re: turn. Check it out below.

Origami Angel are also gearing up for a fall tour with Pool Kids and Insignificant Other, and that great triple bill hits Brooklyn's Elsewhere Hall on November 18. All dates are listed below. (And speaking of, Pool Kids also once released an out-of-usual-character hardcore EP.)