There are plenty of reasons to visit Iceland (and it’s only about a five-hour flight from some parts of the East Coast), but it’s an extra-fun time towards the end of the year, when the annual Iceland Airwaves festival is going on in Reykjavík. Those interested in the trip can start planning now: The first artists from the 2024 lineup were announced today (February 22).
Highlights of the lineup so far include Shygirl, Magdalena Bay, Bar Italia, and Saya Gray. The festival runs from November 7 to 9, and tickets and travel packages are on sale now. Find more information on the festival website.
“We are incredibly proud to be celebrating not only 25 years of Iceland Airwaves, but 25 years of playing a key part in the careers of some of the world’s most talented artists,” Ísleifur Þórhallsson, Festival Manager for Iceland Airwaves, says. “Over the years, we have seen many of our Airwaves alumni grow from strength to strength, often developing into some of the industry’s most acclaimed artists. It is an honour to continue to bring new talent to Reykjavik, and share our beloved Icelandic community with the world.”
Uproxx’s Carolyn Droke went to the 2023 edition a few months ago and wrote in her glowing review, “One weekend and many fish and chips meals later, I boarded my flight back to the US inspired by the stunning natural surroundings I witnessed, the kind people I met, and the moving music I heard. Overall, Iceland Airwaves is the perfect festival for adventurous travelers who want to discover new music and culture in a unique way. It pulls back the curtain on how a country is able to foster such a wide variety of music and the arts and offers a chance to witness performances you’d never be able to see stateside.”
Check out the 2024 lineup so far below.
Iceland Airwaves 2024 Lineup
Anish Kumar (UK)
bar italia (UK)
Bolis Pupul (BE)
Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul (BE)
eee gee (DK)
freekind. (SL)
Inspector Spacetime (IS)
Joy (Anonymous) (UK)
K.óla (IS)
Klemens Hannigan (IS)
Loverman (BE)
lúpína (IS)
Magdalena Bay (US)
Mandy, Indiana (UK)
mary in the junkyard (UK)
Migluma (LT)
Múr (IS)
Opus Kink (UK)
Orbit (DE)
Róshildur (IS)
Saya Gray (CA)
Shygirl (UK)
Úlfur Úlfur (IS)
Une Misère (IS)
Vévaki (IS)
virgin orchestra (IS)