Tyler, The Creator Coldly Roasts A$AP Rocky: "Them Thighs On Turkey Day"

Tyler, The Creator slid in the comments with a quick remark about A$AP Rocky's legs.

A$AP Rocky and are best friends, collaborators, and frequent roast partners. . Both rappers do it out of love, with absolutely no malice present in their words. Perhaps, if A$AP Rocky were insecure in his appearance, he would take some of Tyler's jabs to heart. He always tends to brush them off though, rebutting with his own vicious remarks. Sometimes, they get their mutual friends, like , involved in the fun but today, .

Posting an account of his soirée celebrating the life and legacy of A$AP Yams, A$AP Rocky's final image in the gallery shows him scrolling through his phone as he sits on the couch in his boxers. Tyler, The Creator peeped the pic and felt an urgent need to roast his friend and that's exactly what happened.

"DAMN N***A DAS CRAZY THEM THIGHS ON TURKEY DAY YOU MUST BE FROM DALLAS," wrote the IGOR artist in Flacko's comments. The New York star was less than impressed with the remark, striking back by telling Tyler to "STFU" and leaving things at that.

It's hard not to love the brotherly dynamic between A$AP Rocky and Tyler, The Creator. We all need someone like Tyler in our lives to keep us in check and, thankfully for him, Rocky can give his mans a call whenever he pleases.

Tyler, The Creator Coldly Roasts A$AP Rocky: "Them Thighs On Turkey Day"