Watch Petrol Girls’ new live-in-studio video for “Baby, I Had An Abortion”

UK/Austria punk/post-hardcore band Petrol Girls are gearing up to release their new album Baby on 6/24 via Hassle Records (pre-order), and while you wait for that, we're now premiering a live-in-studio video for "Baby, I Had An Abortion." The video gives you an idea of how hard this band's live show rips, and it's also being released to raise awareness and money for reproductive justice. Petrol Girls' Ren Aldridge says:

Since we released this track in February, we have seen a deeply sinister intensification of attacks on abortion and reproductive justice across the world. We have been following the developments in the U.S. regarding the likely overturning of Roe Vs Wade this summer, which would result in more than half of U.S. states banning abortion, with Black, Indigenous and poor people being most severely affected (as they already are). Here in Europe we have seen Polish Abortion Dream Team activist Justyna Wydrzyńska face trial for giving a woman in an abusive relationship abortion pills, a woman in Croatia denied abortion despite severe fetal abnormalities and a 24 year old woman in Oxford UK to face trial at the Crown Court for taking abortion pills.

It’s frightening. It’s overwhelming. But together we are powerful and around the world we are fighting back!

Along with the release of the video, the band revealed plans to launch a zine on abortion and reproductive rights, and there will be an open call for submissions on their website. They're also donating U.S. profits from their "Baby, I Support Abortion" merch to The Brigid Alliance, an organization that "arranges and funds confidential, personalized travel support to those seeking abortion care in increasingly hostile environments. In partnership with a network of funds and providers, we are closing the gap between the right to an abortion and the ability to access one."

Watch the new video below...