Weird Al shares wacky biopic credits song “Now You Know”

Weird Al has shared the credits song from "biopic" Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. "Now You Know" is a cleverly self-referential classic rock jam, with cheeky lyrics like "This movie is now canon/Every word is true, I swear/We only changed one thing, I really did play Live Aid with Queen/And I blew them off the freakin' stage! That's right." He even makes his bid for Oscar consideration towards the song's close. Listen to that, and the full soundtrack, below.

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story stars Daniel Radcliffe as Weird Al, Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna, Rainn Wilson as Dr. Demento, with many more all-star appearances. It's available to stream today (11/4) via the Roku Channel.