Watch Robert Fripp take questions from fans on his speaking tour

King Crimson founder Robert Fripp just wrapped up his speaking tour of North America on Sunday in Chicago. Cheekily titled "That Awful Man & His Manager," these events had Fripp and manager/DGM Ltd label partner David Singleton presenting "our work to the world in a way that doesn’t quite get across in social media, in the same way that performance, for me, is really the only place where you connect with music," Fripp told The New York Times. "When you meet someone face to face, you can engage. And a key part of the so-called speaking tour is likely to be the Q&A."

Audience Q&As can have a real wildcard element, but Fripp & Singleton have said that the people with questions at these shows have been (mostly) well-considered and interesting. They've shared a few video clips to Robert's YouTube channel, including discussion on such subjects as advice for young musicians in a streaming world, coping with equipment/technology failures, time signatures, and "How can an ordinary person do little things to become extraordinary?" Watch Robert give funny, thoughtful answers on those below.

Robert has also been filing video reports on the road as part of his "Robert at Home" series that include hotel reviews, behind-the-scenes access, tour bus woes and other insight into "the life of a working musician." Watch those below as well.

With Fripp back at home, we can hope his and wife Toyah's fun, silly "Sunday Lunch" covers series will resume to normal. They're taking Sunday Lunch on tour in 2023.